What to do when you’ve got nothing to do
Posted on July 06 2020

It’s rare these days that most of us have a moment to step back, relax and unwind. It’s hard to round off the never ending to do list when you always, somehow, manage to find just one more thing that needs to be done before we clock off. It really has taken a global emergency to open our eyes, I may be speaking for myself here, to the absolute joy and necessity of having spare time. In that hour when we would otherwise be commuting, or be shipping the kids to and from football, hockey or netball practice, we can now get started on those things we said we would in the Summer of 2017.
So, for your sake and sanity, here at OffDutyLDN we have compiled a list of the five things we’ve found ourselves doing, places to shop (online), and self improvements to make while we all have that extra hour or two on our hands…no more excuses!
- Reminisce – I don’t mean in the sense of sitting staring at a blank wall thinking of your teenage years. I mean go back, look at the pictures, organise the pictures, make the photo albums. The best part about all of this is being able to tell your kids, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or roommate all the stories each picture holds.
- Discover local - Through all of the madness, if you haven’t heard the pressure being put on small local businesses and the support rallying around them, then here is the important stuff. So many cafes and local grocers are adapting their business formats to still provide for the community in scary times, make the most of it! Get that fresh bread delivered, order that cheeky takeaway you wouldn’t normally. You now have more of a reason to than ever.
Build a Community - The Beauty Agenteurs is an online beauty community that is pro support in every sense of the word, they have an amazing foundation of women, business owners and beauty experts on board to create a positive environment all the time not just now. But, if that doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, who’s to stop you from rallying your best ladies and men, of course, to share knowledge, advice, tips and tricks? It’s time to get back to basics and human sentiment relies on community to feel satisfied. It’s what we all need.

GRL Made – We recently connected with Hannah from GRL Made and instantly fell in love with her work. Selling vegan clothing and accessories, GRL Made is not only a place to shop for the best ethical pieces, but it is also a platform to follow a journey. Watch the evolution of the brand as Hannah allows her audience to see her thoughts and decision making behind the crazy world of running a business. Plus she sells some really cool designs.
Learn those recipes – Did you ever think that some lucky lucky people could make a career out of discovering good food? Chantelle, otherwise known as I Lost My Tempeh, has mastered that job. As she puts it, fighting animal cruelty with #veganfood is her passion and boy does she make us drool while doing it. Follow her tips and tricks and by the end of isolation you will be the newest food guru in town, guilt free and all.
It’s not easy to constantly push yourself to be better but it’s also not easy to remind yourself to relax. Hopefully, we will all learn to take better care of ourselves and others. It’s small things like these that will change our mood, mindset and motivations whether it be in a time of need like now, or a year on, when you find yourself needing inspiration.